About Me

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Florida, United States
Bred, raised, educated and life long Floridian, and proud of it. E-mail at one(dot)legged(dot)old(dot)fat(dot)man(at)gmail(dot)com

Friday, December 03, 2010

We do not want your money, and we offer nothing to buy. No coffee mugs or T-shirts here We do this to learn, stay sane and, foolishly, not to make money. There are only four ways in which we can be fairly compensated for our efforts here at the Mullet Wrapper:

Comment! Don't be shy. It's our only feedback. Make up a name, if you want. Yes, we know our insane spam-blocker can make it frustrating at times. We welcome civil disagreement, too.

If you have a site, and you like us, throw us a link saying so. (Call us cyber-sluts if you must. We can take insulting criticism - if justified.)

Send our site around to your friends, enemies, relatives, and everybody else you know who you think might get a kick out of our random mix of stuff. Our ever-growing readership is our reward, and we figure there must be millions of folks out there who might like us if they knew we existed. We'd rather be a Wal Mart than a cute boutique - for our fragile egos' sake.

Send us story ideas and announcements of things happening locally of interest. If it interests you most likely it will interest others.


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