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Florida, United States
Bred, raised, educated and life long Floridian, and proud of it. E-mail at one(dot)legged(dot)old(dot)fat(dot)man(at)gmail(dot)com

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

I personaly didn't claw my way up the food chain to eat veggies, but I like veggies and from my vegetarian friends have learned many tastey ways to serve them...

Here in Gainesville there are many oppurtunities to sample vegitarian fare as there are BBQ places. Here's one way...

What:Veg4Life Potluck
When:6:30 p.m. Saturday
Where:Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4225 N.W. 34th St.
Cost:$1 plus a vegetarian or vegan dish that serves 6-8 people. Also, bring a serving utensil, plate, silverware, cup, napkin and beverage.
Information:Find out more about the monthly potluck and vegetarian and vegan recipes at http://www.veg4lifegainesville.com.

For a detailed article on the Gainesville vegitarian scene follow this link.


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